
Resilience: Underlying Attitudes and Skills

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Early on in this document we said that the foundation of emotional resilience (and thus emotional intelligence) is largely a matter of attitude and belief. How people think about themselves and their relationships with others and the world forms the base on which emotion management skills sit. Negative, defeatist attitudes towards self and others make it more difficult for you to successfully manage your emotions. Positive, empowering attitudes, on the other hand, make emotional resilience seem like second nature.

Emotionally resilient people tend to display the following positive characteristics:

  • Happiness
  • Control
  • Optimism
  • Mindfulness and Flow
  • Hardiness
  • Communication
  • Relationships
  • Compassion and Empathy

In the next major section of this document, we'll explore each of these characteristics attributes (beliefs, attitudes) in greater detail. It is worth your while to learn about and practice these attitudes, for doing so will make it easier for you to become more resilient and self-aware and to be able to consciously manage your emotions as necessary to benefit your life.

Additional Resources

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