
Inhalant Rehab Centers and Addiction Treatment Help

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  1. Do I Need Inhalant Rehab? Is There Inhalant Treatment?
  2. What to Expect from Inhalant Rehabilitation
  3. How Long Does Rehab Take?
  4. Types of Rehabs
  5. Paying for Inhalant Rehab
  6. What Happens After Rehab?
  7. How to Pick a Top Inhalant Rehab

What are Inhalants? Are Inhalants Addictive?

Inhalant use can be extremely difficult to stop on your own, especially if you lack recovery support in your usual surroundings. Motivation to quit can be dampened by the relative ubiquity of and easy of access to these substances.

The support and encouragement of professionals in a treatment center greatly increase your chances of success by managing your withdrawal symptoms, increasing your motivation and teaching you coping strategies for an inhalant-free life. Help identify your substance abuse patterns with our reliable substance abuse screening tool.

What are Inhalants? Are Inhalants Addictive?

Do I Need Inhalant Rehab? Is There Inhalant Treatment?

Inhalant addiction can consume one's life from many directions. Rehab may be a requirement in the case of the following:


Find a Treatment Center You don't have to continue suffering from inhalant addiction. Search for the right treatment center today.

  • Severe emotional or psychiatric difficulties.
    • Research indicates a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders (depression and anxiety) amongst both male and female inhalant users.
    • Adolescent inhalant users also illustrate high levels of psychopathology and antisocial behavior.
  • Physical problems.
    • Inhalant use has been linked to severe sensory impairment, motor skills issues and deficits in memory and learning.
    • Some research indicates that even a single episode of high exposure to inhalants can cause continuing problems in memory and cognitive processing speed.
    • Inhalant use has also been implicated in damage to other organs like the heart, liver and kidney.
  • Socioeconomic problems.
    • Inhalant use has been linked to low education and family income, with psychiatric difficulties exacerbating the occupational problems for users.
  • Previous unsuccessful attempts at reducing inhalant use.
    • People who have used inhalants for a long period of time, or who have made unsuccessful recovery attempts in the past, often need more intensive support and motivation.

There is currently no one evidence-based treatment that has proven effective for inhalant dependence, but due to the severe psychosocial profile of inhalant users, it is recommended to seek treatment through a rehabilitation program.

What to Expect from Inhalant Rehabilitation

  • Intake. In this information gathering stage, questions are asked about inhalant and other drug use as well as overall lifestyle and history.

    Also, a physical examination is conducted to assess any potential damage to the central nervous system, heart, kidneys and lungs.

  • Detox. Inhalants are slow to leave the body. Toxic effects can linger for months, often requiring medication such as:
    • Sedatives for anxiety and sleep.
    • Mood stabilizers for emotional distress, impulsivity, and mood swings.
    • Anti-psychotics for agitation, hallucinations and delusions.
    • The muscle relaxer baclofen was successful in reducing withdrawal symptoms in 3 reported case studies of male patients with inhalant dependence.
  • Adjunct Therapy. Rehab therapies provide the support and skills needed for successful treatment and recovery. Individual, group and family sessions are usually held along with education about healthy coping, inhalant addiction, and relapse prevention.
    • Family based therapies particularly backed by research in being moderately effective at reducing drug use in adolescents.
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy may be particularly successful amongst adolescents in reducing remission and maintaining long-term abstinence.

  • Visiting/Communication with Family/Involvement in Therapy. The support of friends and family is important during rehab. Visitation and phone calls may be on a regular schedule.

    Family and significant others may also participate in therapies with you.

  • Supportive Environment. The rehab environment is a safe, supportive, structured and therapeutic environment.

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    You will have the opportunity to live in an inhalant-free center while your physical, mental and emotional health improves and stabilizes.

How Long Does Rehab Take?

Inhalant rehab is a lengthy process due to the toxicity of inhalants and their long-lasting effects.

Toxicity interferes with learning inhalant-free life-skills, making inhalant rehab progress slower than for other substances.

Consequently, a greater chance of success is had in longer-term treatment such as 90 or 120 days.

Types of Rehabs


Residential treatment is the preferred setting for inhalant treatment. You are able to stay at the treatment center, away from access to inhalants and the temptation to use in your usual environment. Residential treatment provides detox, support, therapy, coping strategies, relapse prevention and a plan for re-entering the community successfully.

Private or Luxury

In order to ensure anonymity, some individuals prefer a very private setting for inhalant rehab. Also, some prefer the amenities of a luxury rehab that has spa-like services and/or a resort-like setting.


For those who cannot completely leave professional obligations behind while in rehab, there are centers that provide accommodations for executives who must continue business while in treatment. This eliminates barriers for busy executives who are not able to put professional responsibilities completely on hold in order to receive treatment.

Other Specialized Rehab Programs

Those with co-existing mental health conditions would benefit from a dual diagnosis program for inhalant treatment where both conditions are simultaneously treated. Other special needs (or preferences) are met by centers that provide, for example:

  • Holistic therapies.
  • Substance-specific treatment.
  • Gender-specific programs or programs with expertise in addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered individuals.

Paying for Inhalant Rehab

Health insurance

Treatment costs vary between settings. It is important to ask each center you contact:

  • What their fees are.
  • What types of payment arrangements can be made.

The government or the community publicly funds some programs; they may be free or at least affordable, depending on your case.

To be treated at other rehab centers may require you to take out a private loan with friends or family members or to do so with a bank. Credit cards can be used to finance treatment and a payment arrangement can be made with some treatment centers.

Does Insurance Cover Inhalant Addiction Rehab?

Contact your insurance provider to clarify coverage since policies vary. You should ask:

  • Which treatment settings and services are covered?
  • What is the duration of the coverage?
  • What is the deductible and co-payment plan?

Some treatment centers do not accept insurance and some may only accept certain policies. You will need to ask each center you consider.

What Happens After Rehab?

Inhalant addiction recovery is most successful when there is a longer-termInhalant addiction recovery is most successful when there is a longer-term gradual transition process back into the community. process back into the community.

It is time to move on to another step in recovery after rehab. Inhalant addiction recovery is most successful when there is a longer-term gradual transition process back into the community. This typically involves the use of aftercare and live-in settings such as halfway houses, sober living communities or therapeutic communities.

These provide a shared recovery experience in which peer and staff support are available. There are typically activities such as meetings, therapies or recreational opportunities. Further:

  • Guidelines for community life are provided to help structure further recovery pursuits and facilitate reintegration into society.
  • Residents may be required to work, study or volunteer, contribute to the upkeep of the community, and attend counseling or self-help groups regularly.

Those recovering from inhalant addiction may also need medical services and medication to treat any persistent health effects of inhalant use. Live-in transitional settings can monitor compliance with these to ensure the best chance of continuing recovery.

How to Pick a Top Inhalant Rehab

Inhalant addiction is very different than other addictions. Because it is difficult to pinpoint the effects of the particular solvent that was abused, treatment must be highly individualized.

Also, typically severe and long-lasting negative effects like cognitive deficits, memory impairment, depression and organ toxicity need to be managed and treated.

Talking to doctor

Before picking a treatment program, you can ask the following questions:

  • Does the facility have expertise in dealing with inhalant dependence and abuse?
  • What is the success rate of treatment?
  • What adjunct therapies are provided?
  • Does the program cater to dual-diagnosis issues?
  • Does the facility provide referrals to aftercare programs?

Inhalant use disorders can be the result of stressful life events and socioeconomic troubles. Consequently, it is important that you choose a rehab center designed for inhalant treatment, so that the underlying issues can be appropriately dealt with.

If you or a loved one are in need of an inhalant addiction rehab, don't wait to get help. Please call 1-888-993-3112Who Answers? to discuss appropriate options.

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