Extreme Psychopathy/sociopathy?


Hello ive been looking for reliable advice on what i should do but i have to do something before i go too far. I have absolutely no emotion and am completely antisocial. I hate everyone around me including my family and i hear voices which tell me to kill them. I cant stand being in public and i isolate myself whenever possible. Worst of all I enjoy killing and torturing animals for fun but I need to do it to keep the him at bay. I have tried to kill myself when I was around eight and i know this was caused by events in my childhood but I need to know what to do because I am trying to fight the impulse to kill people but I can’t stop him forever. Please help.

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Everything that you describe sounds very much like a disease called Schizophrenia. What you need to know is that there is very real help for you. Today, there are medications that help to relieve the terrible symptoms you describe.

I also want you to know that there is nothing that you did or that your family did to cause this problem. We do not know the cause of schizophrenia. We do know that it is a brain disease. Without medication, your brain is not working right. Medicine helps the nerve cells in you brain function properly.


Please see a psychiatrist or go to a hospital emergency room and explain you symptoms and either a psychiatrist of your choosing or a hospital psychiatrist will start to help you.

Go for help. The greatest danger faced with schizophrenia is suicide but there is a danger that the voice you hear could convince you to try to hurt someone.

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Go for help, especially to free your self from all of this.

Best of Luck

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