Christian Perring, Ph.D. — Contributor

Education: B.A. in Physics and Philosophy from Oxford University, M.Sc. in Philosophy of Science from King's College London, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Princeton University. He is currently an Associate Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Dowling College, Long Island, NY

Interests in Mental Health: I work on philosophical issues in psychiatry. My current research focuses on the objectivity of psychiatry, the justification of its classification of various conditions as illnesses, and the insights into personhood that pathological conditions give us. I also teach medical ethics, and with respect to psychiatry, this includes the rights of the patient to refuse treatment and hospitalization, the responsibility of the therapist/psychiatrist/clinician keep or break confidentiality, and to inform the patient of side effects of medication, and the responsibility of society (and insurance companies) to take mental health issues seriously and provide substantial help for those who need it.