DBT Creator Shares Her Own Personal Struggles

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Kathryn Patricelli, MA was an editor with www.Mentalhelp.net from 2004-2015. She received her Master's Degree in Counseling and Psychological Services, and holds a Bachelor’s ...Read More

Yesterday the New York Times ran a story titled “Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight” in which Marsha Linehan, creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), for the first time, revealed her own teenage struggle with extreme social withdrawal during which time she was suicidal and inpatient hospitalized. The article discusses her condition and treatment, how she overcame and dealt with her struggles, and how it led her to create DBT, which provided therapy in a way that she never got herself when she needed help.

You can learn more about DBT in a Wise Counsel interview that David Van Nuys did with Linehan in 2007 by clicking here.

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