I'm Scared


I have no idea why this started but I am always thinking about death, mine, my husband’s and my kids, everyone’s. I can’t get it out of my head and I am really scared. At the same time I kinda feel like, "whats the point when we are all just dying anyway." I just want to be here for my kids. I feel so scared all of the time. Please help me.

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The fact that you feel scared about these intrusive thought means that you need to see a psychotherapist. I would recommend a licensed clinical psychologist or licensed clinical social worker and who specializes in the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT).

What you are describing may be symptomatic of an anxiety disorder, depression or both. The psycho social stresses in your life, whatever they may be, could be fueling these intense thoughts and feelings.


Today, there is plenty that people are feeling worried about. The state of the economy and the financial situation at home and when raising children is certainly very difficult. I have no way of knowing how much these things are affecting you. If they are, they may not be the route cause of your problems, but could contribute to whatever emotional struggles you are going through.

Do not wait to seek help. It is entirely possible that the therapist you see may recommend medication on a temporary basis and, therefore, refer you to a psychiatrist or to your family physician. The sooner you reach out for help, and you have now started, the sooner you will feel better.

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Good Luck

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